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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cultural Immersion . . . part 1

These two weeks have provide a trove of cultural experiences!

 The Kitti couple which represented our Kolonia PNI campus were crowned at National with intricately woven crowns.Our campus's efforts and fundraising surpassed the other campuses .

And as with most events, musical and dancing performances accompanied the festivities.

Friday's event was followed by National Culture Day.   A few pictures cannot provide just coverage for performances, the humor or the warmth generated by the many groups.

Groups from Pohnpei were joined by representatives from the other states of Yap, Chuuk, and Kosrae.

Both young and old participated.  Unison dancing was enthusiastically received and the crowds clapped, shouted, and whistled their approval.

 Many performers brought offerings to the presiding chief and dignitaries.  Fish, food baskets, traditional fare were brought and shared.

 Whenever posible, audience members would sneak close-up views of the performances from behind and under the stage.

 Following the Cultural festivities, I was honored to attend a first birthday feast. 

Matteo first birthday was, indeed, a fabulous feast!  One that truly reflected the love, affection, and generosity that this young marvel had earned.

Of course there were pigs (6 in fact).

Everyone dressed!

When the food was severed it seemed endless.  There were meats, traditional foods, fruits, veggies,  spring rolls, rice, tapioca, breadfruit, taro, bananas, sushi, . . .

Laurie carried our tray which we heaped. . .

Once the guests were all served, friends provided dances and songs for entertainment.

Finally it was the children's time!  Children cam up to wish Matteo well and to receive a little birthday cheer of their own.  Happy birthday was sung and the cakes sliced and served.

Both mom and Matteo beamed!

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