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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cultural Celebrations Part 2

For the Founding Day celebration, our Kitti pair reigned supreme -- the king appeared a bit late due to some late night celebrations the night before. . .

The pair led a half-time dance for who ever wanted to join in, but since this was also the break for eating, many of the students were indulging in the free food.

 The day held a number of races, relays, and displays of skills.  Our purple team (Kolonia's Pompei Campus) did surprisingly well in the distance running.  This is on an incrediably treacherous track with uneven surfaces and pits.  The times might be even more impressive were the track an even surface.

One of the exciting competitions was coconut huskings by the girls, followed by coconut shaving / grinding by the boys .    

Even staff and faculty were included in some of the events.   Students enjoyed watching the crafty out maneuver the fast.

Students roared as staff and faculty dizzily tumbled off course or stumbled drunkenly back to the start after performing the baseball bat spin.

 .The day ended with our purple team racking up the most points, trailed by National Campus.


 For the rest of the week, we volunteers had time for relaxing by the water, visiting islands, and indulging in feasts.

 While on one of those jaunts, I had an unexpected encounter with the waves.  One of the last pictures I took with the canon was off-shore a few miles from Kolonia.  Ah, the canon was so much better than the sony, but a working camera is better than none.

 Black Coral was delightful.  The entire island is perhaps smaller than of an elementary school campus, with about 4 huts and  a couple shelter.

 We brought our drinking water (and assorted other options) but the catchment was empty so showering was not possible.

What we did have was the little island to ourselves with a gorgeous  sunset and sunrise.

A little solitude does the soul a world of good!


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