Warning: The contents, thoughts, and expressions revealed here are the responsibility of the writer. These rarely represent others' views of reality. It should be considered the outward manifestations of a mind with two viewing ports and limited auditory and tactile reception. . . not to be confused with your own or someone else's manifestations. . . Your tolerance is greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First couple of Weeks. . .

Half a world away from my home with 3 and ½  weeks of warm days, fresh ocean breezes, torrential rains at any moment, and I learn that the human heart is open, generous, and loving regardless of location and culture.  I am not suggesting that I thought my previous ‘home’ had a corner on the humanity market; far from it.  Rather I am confronted with goodness each day. . . in the commerce of eye contact, head nods, and  ready smiles.

My host family is delightful.  I am thrilled that my butchery of phrases in Pohnpean entertains my teenage ‘sister’.  My host mother patiently repeats sounds which I mutilate into unrecognizable combinations.  Even the 2 dogs have difficulty with my communication.  Luckily, they have been quick to comprehend that I am ‘Best Momma #2’ for scraps.

We volunteer teachers (there are 9 of us*) have language lessons during orientation.  My auditor y skills are stretched beyond their comfort zones, which, in turn, highlights my lingual ineptness.  This leads to my first observation about open hearts  --  and open laughter.  Thanks to the universe and the powers that be, I am familiar with laughter and am comforted that my mangling efforts at communicate so easily elicits it from my family.  There is a warm, gentle acceptance in laughter.

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