Warning: The contents, thoughts, and expressions revealed here are the responsibility of the writer. These rarely represent others' views of reality. It should be considered the outward manifestations of a mind with two viewing ports and limited auditory and tactile reception. . . not to be confused with your own or someone else's manifestations. . . Your tolerance is greatly appreciated.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Santa receives Police Escort

Sunday was busy.

 Up at 5:15 and out the door by 5:45 for the 5K walk/run.  Laurie and I arrived in the parking lot while the organizers were still setting up.  Turns out that “6 a.m. start” means "begin registering."  

One hour later, at 7, the event actually begins.

 This 5K seemed a little longer than the other two but who’s counting steps?  There were water stations at about half-mile intervals which was particularly nice since this time I did not bring my purse which slaps about feeling awkward when jogging. . .  But this also means I did not bring my water bottle. 

The start was uphill so another pleasant aspect of this event was the down hill second half – YES!

Laurie won the 1st place for women.

Right behind her was a little 12 year old darling!

Once again, the entire event was completed by 8 and Laurie even had time to shower and dress for church!

In the afternoon, rumor spread that the Island was hosting a special visit from Santa AND he was scheduled to come right past our little corner of Kolonia!  The kids began gathering with plastic sacks (in case there was lots of candy  -- ‘cause that’s what Santa has!) at the top of the street. 

Time seemed to crawl by as it always seems to while waiting for any big event.  But, as always, kids are inventive so they sang and played a little hand jive.  Laurie learned a few new moves!

Then -- what’s that  -- not the sound of hoofs but the wail of horns and beeps and sirens!
Everyone headed for the top of the road.

 Sure enough, a police escort comes into view.  Santa is highly protected behind dark tinted windows and only a glove-clad hand can be glimpsed tossing morsels out the window. 

The children keenly watch that hand and the trajectories of those morsels.

Santa’s helpers ride behind Santa's vehicle, on a special commandeered flat bed.  They are exposed and happy to share Christmas greetings and spread season cheer! 

It was a brief moment with the big man, but even here in Kolonia we rate a moment of his time.  Naughty or nice, we are all children at this time of year. . .

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thoughts on Micronesian Ease. . .

 Life in Micronesia is mellow, unstressed, relaxed.  I’ve written and said this often but I have difficulty explaining why.  


 I am unlikely to build a small shelter of tin and scrape wood, so it’s not the ease of having a home.   

Though I enjoy bananas and coconuts, both of which are plentiful, breadfruit, taro, and yams holds no great enticement, so the readily available foods might leave my table somewhat bare.   

The weather is warm and rain is a frequent companion which make hammocks a bit like flag ceremonies, but raised and lowered with the clouds rather than with the sun.  



Quiet moments are elusive between the shouts of children, the crowing of roosters, the squeals of pigs, and the off-key choruses of dogs.

 I notice the faces of children, so open and filled with warmth.  But like children everywhere, Micronesian children are happy to be noticed, to win attention, to have pictures taken.  

 Surely this does not define a special quality separate from the rest of the world.



I notice how resourceful the children are. . . a trait practiced by their parents.  The spare-parts auto becomes a ‘taxi’.  


A flip flop is also a paddle for a ball game.   


A flat ball can still be a soccer substitute. 

 A pile of fresh cut branches can serve as a soft landing for superhero “cliff jumping.”

 Everyone on the island seems to enjoy fun. 

Volley ball can be a street game or a tournament in a neighbor’s yard.  

Young and old can play. 

And the young are good at practicing to be ready for the next opportunity to impress the adults with their skills.

I notice the sunrises and the sunsets more frequently here. 

Perhaps the special quality I have been discovering is an innate joy, a welcoming acceptance of life, a quiet appreciation of the present, the “Now.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October ending

October is done; one third of our commitment is complete.  Hard to believe that 3 ½ months have already flown by and we have only 6 weeks before the 1st semester is history, too.

October ended with a 5K fun run/walk on the 29th.  We “Lauries” ( Laurie, Lori, and myself) arrived at 6:30 a.m. to a crowded parking lot where registration had begun.  Tee shirts were being distributed, arms were stamped, fresh bananas eaten, and even a warm-up exercise was orchestrated before the crowd was directed to the street.  Here more instructions were given and pictures taken, before the starting gun released everyone. 

The loop took us back toward our house, down the market way, onto the causeway to the airport, then back through town and to the parking lot again.  Laurie finished 1st for women with a time of 22 minutes. We waited as awards and raffle prices were distributed. Besides Laurie's 1st place award, we each received mugs as raffle prizes.  We also received an avocado plantt which we promptly transplanted on our porch.

  Post-festivities clean-up began by 9:30 – the time many people are just getting started on their Saturday morning!

Monday was the official end of the month and, of course, Halloween.  Here, as in many parts of the world, there are minor connections to any religious meaning.  However, the possibility of free candy does seem to have universal draw.  So as the evening of the last day of October drew to a close, cars lined the roadways, honking as they passed, tossing candy, and shouting multiple greetings and well wishes:  “Trick or treat,” “Happy Birthday,”  “Merry Christmas,” “Happy New Year,” “Happy Mother’s Day”!  Lucky for us -- and for the neighborhood kids -- that we had prepared pop corn balls earlier!

It has been a delightful October filled with treats.  The ending is no less welcomed than the beginning –  adding  memories for this exceptional year

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clear Blue

This last, glorious Saturday, five of us piled into a car and drove the 2 miles to Nett Point.

The water was a wondrous blue.  Life is good!

Of course, many others had the same idea and picnickers and water fans were sharing their delight.  Where there is water, there are fun-loving kids.

Kids are quite happy to demonstrate their balance, their daring, their skills.  Flash a camera and they will perform any number of acrobatic maneuvers.


 And, like kids every where, there's always one or two who taunt and dare and scoff. . . until the big guy captures them for the appropriate dunking.

Though the water was clear and obviously refreshing, after an hour and a half or so of enjoying the antics of the kids, I noticed that some of our party were no where to be seen.  Thinking they might have swum back to the car, Becca and I gathered everyone's sandals, towels, bags, cameras, and miscellaneous odds and ends. 

We headed for the car, looking for our other members either in the water or on the sand along the way.  Of course they were no where to be seen.

 We arrive at the car -- alone -- with none of the others in sight . Obviously some miscalculation has occurred.

 But another 5 minutes, as Becca and I discuss the possibility of returning to the end of the causeway, off in the distance we spy our lost companions hobbling along.
What's a day at the beach without sand between the toes. . .