Warning: The contents, thoughts, and expressions revealed here are the responsibility of the writer. These rarely represent others' views of reality. It should be considered the outward manifestations of a mind with two viewing ports and limited auditory and tactile reception. . . not to be confused with your own or someone else's manifestations. . . Your tolerance is greatly appreciated.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Santa receives Police Escort

Sunday was busy.

 Up at 5:15 and out the door by 5:45 for the 5K walk/run.  Laurie and I arrived in the parking lot while the organizers were still setting up.  Turns out that “6 a.m. start” means "begin registering."  

One hour later, at 7, the event actually begins.

 This 5K seemed a little longer than the other two but who’s counting steps?  There were water stations at about half-mile intervals which was particularly nice since this time I did not bring my purse which slaps about feeling awkward when jogging. . .  But this also means I did not bring my water bottle. 

The start was uphill so another pleasant aspect of this event was the down hill second half – YES!

Laurie won the 1st place for women.

Right behind her was a little 12 year old darling!

Once again, the entire event was completed by 8 and Laurie even had time to shower and dress for church!

In the afternoon, rumor spread that the Island was hosting a special visit from Santa AND he was scheduled to come right past our little corner of Kolonia!  The kids began gathering with plastic sacks (in case there was lots of candy  -- ‘cause that’s what Santa has!) at the top of the street. 

Time seemed to crawl by as it always seems to while waiting for any big event.  But, as always, kids are inventive so they sang and played a little hand jive.  Laurie learned a few new moves!

Then -- what’s that  -- not the sound of hoofs but the wail of horns and beeps and sirens!
Everyone headed for the top of the road.

 Sure enough, a police escort comes into view.  Santa is highly protected behind dark tinted windows and only a glove-clad hand can be glimpsed tossing morsels out the window. 

The children keenly watch that hand and the trajectories of those morsels.

Santa’s helpers ride behind Santa's vehicle, on a special commandeered flat bed.  They are exposed and happy to share Christmas greetings and spread season cheer! 

It was a brief moment with the big man, but even here in Kolonia we rate a moment of his time.  Naughty or nice, we are all children at this time of year. . .

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