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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October ending

October is done; one third of our commitment is complete.  Hard to believe that 3 ½ months have already flown by and we have only 6 weeks before the 1st semester is history, too.

October ended with a 5K fun run/walk on the 29th.  We “Lauries” ( Laurie, Lori, and myself) arrived at 6:30 a.m. to a crowded parking lot where registration had begun.  Tee shirts were being distributed, arms were stamped, fresh bananas eaten, and even a warm-up exercise was orchestrated before the crowd was directed to the street.  Here more instructions were given and pictures taken, before the starting gun released everyone. 

The loop took us back toward our house, down the market way, onto the causeway to the airport, then back through town and to the parking lot again.  Laurie finished 1st for women with a time of 22 minutes. We waited as awards and raffle prices were distributed. Besides Laurie's 1st place award, we each received mugs as raffle prizes.  We also received an avocado plantt which we promptly transplanted on our porch.

  Post-festivities clean-up began by 9:30 – the time many people are just getting started on their Saturday morning!

Monday was the official end of the month and, of course, Halloween.  Here, as in many parts of the world, there are minor connections to any religious meaning.  However, the possibility of free candy does seem to have universal draw.  So as the evening of the last day of October drew to a close, cars lined the roadways, honking as they passed, tossing candy, and shouting multiple greetings and well wishes:  “Trick or treat,” “Happy Birthday,”  “Merry Christmas,” “Happy New Year,” “Happy Mother’s Day”!  Lucky for us -- and for the neighborhood kids -- that we had prepared pop corn balls earlier!

It has been a delightful October filled with treats.  The ending is no less welcomed than the beginning –  adding  memories for this exceptional year

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