Warning: The contents, thoughts, and expressions revealed here are the responsibility of the writer. These rarely represent others' views of reality. It should be considered the outward manifestations of a mind with two viewing ports and limited auditory and tactile reception. . . not to be confused with your own or someone else's manifestations. . . Your tolerance is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July Flight

Leaving family and friends to spend a year on a green, warm island near the equator!  Less than 2 weeks before the departure and I haven't fully determined what to bring and what to leave.  But being a bit of the spontaneous - jump-and-then-think   kind of person, I'm not particularly surprised.  Mistakes are just unexpected opportunities for adjustment.

I've been teaching math and science for a number of years.  World Teach offers opportunities for individuals to volunteer to teach in many countries around the world.  They were generous in offering me this year just north of the equator.  "Micronesia"  Even the sound offers warmth.  So for some 16 or so volunteers, an adventure begins. . .